23 June, 2016

How to Create Retention Schedules in iManage Govern Records Manager: Part 1

  iManage Govern Records Manager (IRM) is records management software utilized by many law firm and professional services organizations. As a consultant with many years of […]
25 January, 2016

IRM Tip of the Day – Global Filters

  iManage Records Manager (IRM) is records management software utilized by many law firm and professional services organizations. As a consultant with many years experience in […]
3 December, 2015

Are your law firm matter files a hot mess?

Does this sound familiar? You are on the phone with your client, and you tell them “Can you hold while I pull your file?” You ask […]
19 November, 2015

Are You Keeping your Business Information Past its Expiration Date?

  Just like the milk in your refrigerator, information has a shelf life. Unfortunately business information does not come pre-stamped with an expiration date. It is […]
12 November, 2015

Top 5 Email Tips to Tame Your Inbox

  Is your email inbox overflowing and wish you could get it under control? Below I share my top 5 email tips and my system for […]
5 November, 2015

Is Malware in Mobile Apps Putting Your Business at Risk?

  Many businesses utilize smart phones and tablets to conduct business on the go. However, many do not have a formal mobile device policy on what […]
27 October, 2015

What if your offices flooded today? Will you still be in business tomorrow?

  Everyday here in California the news is warning viewers of a possible El Nino weather system dumping a lot of water on this drought-stricken state. […]
13 October, 2015

Top 10 Reasons Law Firms Should Go Paper-light

  Reducing the amount of paper managed by your law firm will result in less time, money and space occupied by paper. It will also give […]


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