2 February, 2021

Looking to Move from LegalKey to iManage Records Manager?

If you are looking to move from LegalKey to iManage Records Manager, you will want to evaluate the following key areas. 1. What does LegalKey do […]
15 September, 2020

The Invisible Problem

Law firms evolve overtime from a small solo practice, to a practice with a few attorneys, and then many more. As a law firm evolves so […]
4 September, 2020

iManage Records Manager 6.3 Announcement!

If you are an iManage Records Manager user currently on 6.3 then you need to start worrying.  IRM 6.3 is being retired at the end of […]
19 August, 2020

Managing Remote Technical Teams

Covid restrictions have forced many firms to pivot from in person to remote work. In the first phase, many firms were focused on the technical tools […]
24 July, 2020

What do you need to know before you destroy your business records?

Many law firms and small business owners will ask what records can we destroy and how long do we need to keep business records? Good questions. […]
6 July, 2020

Get More from iManage Records Manager

Do you currently use iManage Records Manager at your firm and would like to know how to get the most value out of it? We have […]
22 June, 2020

InfoCompass Joins ILTA – Strategic Business Partner Program

InfoComapss, Inc., a leading iManage Records Manager software implementer for professional services firms, today announced that it has joined the International Legal Technology Association’s (ILTA) Strategic […]
28 May, 2020

ARMA Chapter Panel: Digitizing Paper

Some of you may know that I’m the Vice President of the ARMA chapter board in our Greater Sacramento Capital. Putting together this panel of people […]
20 May, 2020

Self-Paced IRM Basics Training

With a little extra time on your hands, perhaps a Self-Paced iManage Records Manager Policy Training fits the bill.  Now, rather than attending a live class, […]
4 May, 2020

Tools to Use When Working Remotely

To go with the last blog, I wanted to talk about another aspect of remote work. A couple of tips and tricks to help adapt to […]


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