What was it like before you had our services?
We never had a records product before, so it was a new to us.
Was there any particular reason why you choose to use IRM product?
We have been iManage users for years and we were looking for a records product that integrated with it. There was not another option. There is no other product out there that integrates with iManage like iManage.
Where did you start looking for InfoCompass or any other company you were researching?
Most of our iManage support is handled by Prolan. Nitza was recommended as the best in the industry. Clark Wilson makes every effort to hire the top people in the industry. This wasn’t a difficult choice. I had a short talk with Nitza, and she reassured me, so I replied yes, this is the path we should take.
What was it about our services that made them stand out?
Nitza and Sabrina, as well as the rest of the team all stood out. We had underestimated the scope of the project. In my perspective, the project seemed smaller then it actually was. Nitza pointed us in the proper direction when we sat down and looked at all the people and things that would be involved. She was the one who led the way. She took a potentially challenging project and made us confident in our ability to work with it and with her. Without someone directing us the way she did, it may have been a lot harder and more challenging.
What has exceeded your expectations since working with us?
The project was completed around three or four months ago and I have heard almost nothing from the people that use the product, which is fantastic. That means, the training was so effective that they are not needing user support. When a project of this magnitude goes live and I’m still able to go home at 5p.m., I consider it a success! Nothing has been brought to my attention regarding it.
What would you tell someone who's considering our business?
Be confident that it will be done correctly. I think Nitza has the experience and the know-how to ensure that the process is successful. She knows more about records management than most people. I would say, anyone who goes with her should be confident that it will be successful.
Was there anything we could have done differently?
No, I don’t believe so. I believe our project was a little more difficult than others. We were transferring a 20-year-old database that InfoCompass had never seen before. Is there a way it could have been done better? Not with the challenges we put in front of them.
Would you refer InfoCompass to other clients?
Absolutely, without a doubt. I don’t know of anyone better in the business.
What would you say about InfoCompass to others?
There are two components to this. They need to have a thorough knowledge of records. For many businesses, records aren't as important as they should be. InfoCompass has a thorough understanding of how businesses should manage records. That, I believe, is quite significant. Many businesses are unaware of its value, significance, and best practices. Nitza does a fantastic job with it. I have to give Sabrina credit as well. Her SQL skills and what she accomplished for us made the transition seem easy. Sabrina did a fantastic job. She was able to respond to each and every one of our inquiries quickly. If somebody asks, “Are they really good at that?” or “Will they be able to comprehend our accounting system?” The answer is Yes. We were backed up by a terrific team. I would recommend them to anybody.