Do you currently use iManage Records Manager at your firm and would like to know how to get the most value out of it? We have 3 popular options to fit your needs.
For those who want the ability to reach out for general IRM questions as needed, InfoCompass now has available 4 hour ticket and 8 hour consulting ticket bundles. For clients that purchase a consulting ticket, you will get access to book time in Nitza Medina-Garcia, CRM’s calendar to get your questions answered right away.
For those who are looking for formal IRM training, InfoCompass offers two popular classes:
These classes are customized on your version of IRM and will include presentations with screenshots, labs (where appropriate) taught live by Certified Records Manager Nitza Medina-Garcia who has over 12 years’ experience implementing IRM. Nitza’s classes are highly sought after because she not only has the technical knowledge of IRM, but also has the records management best practice knowledge to answer your records questions.
Here is a testimonial about our customized IRM training:
“I have no hesitation in giving Nitza Medina-Garcia and the InfoCompass team my highest recommendation. Nitza had conducted previous training classes for us, so when it was time to launch our newly implemented IRM system, our users specifically asked for Nitza. Due to Covid-19 we had to reschedule our week-long training session several times and Nitza was extremely accommodating. She patiently worked with us on putting together a customized training program, tailored to our unique needs. Nitza is clearly an SME in records management solutions, and she delivers the training in a clear and concise manner. Nitza also went above and beyond her duties as a trainer in helping us find and resolve any remaining system issues or suggesting proper workarounds. I would like to thank Nitza and the InfoCompass team for all their help, and look forward to working with them soon.”
–Rafi Peltekian, Paul Hastings
For those who are looking for a deeper dive into a particular IRM topic, InfoCompass is offering 1-2 hour classes. We are currently offering our iManage Records Manager 10 Retention Policy Basics Training as a Self-Paced class. It is available immediately upon purchase.
These are just a few of the resources InfoCompass offers on iManage Records Manager. If you are interested in learning more, feel free to schedule a quick chat.