iManage Records Manager (IRM) is a records management software used by many leading professional service firms in the United States. The software is used to manage both physical files and electronic records. IRM keeps track of records that are stored in a company’s document management system (DMS) as well as paper files and records that are kept outside of the DMS in another location.
IRM allows your staff to manage paper files with a barcode system. They can print, peel, and stick barcode labels directly onto your paper files. When the files are checked in and out of storage, they are scanned so you can track where the file went and how long it was gone.
In addition to managing paper files, IRM allows you to monitor storage boxes. You can index every file that is inside of the box and also track where the box goes. Then you know exactly where your files are when you put them into storage.
You can also implement and manage retention rules for your records using IRM. You can define how long to keep your files and even assign different retention rules to separate records. So, once your files go into storage you know which ones need to be held for 7 years, which ones need to be kept for 10 years, and which ones need to be stored longer.
When it comes time to destroy your old files, your firm can use IRM to track the date they are destroyed, who did it, and how many files or boxes were destroyed. All of this gets captured in an audit trail so if you are ever asked why you destroyed a file you can look it up and show that it met your retention rule, explain why the file fell under that rule, and show how the file was destroyed.
One of the main struggles you might have with managing files for your service firm is that you have the physical records organized with retention rules and a destruction plan in place, but you might not have a retention strategy set up for your digital files. Implementing IRM will solve this problem. Using IRM, you can assign retention rules and destruction plans to your digital files as well, and you will be notified when it is time for records to be destroyed.
iManage Records Manager helps you implement a seamless strategy to inventory, track, store, and when the time comes, destroy the paper and digital records for your service firm. If you are struggling to implement a records management service that works schedule a call here. I would be more than happy to help get IRM up and running for your business.